
AGIS is a user friendly mapping and simple geographic information system for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. Maps and data can be provided by the user in the form of text files either created by other programs, or typed using a text editor. All control files used by AGIS are ASCII text, so it is easier to create such files using other systems. The program has sufficient control dialogs built in to create and edit all control information without requiring the user to understand the structure of these files. High quality map images can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into popular packages such as Microsoft Word, or save directly to your hard disk as jpeg or bmp files.

A multi-document interface allows the concurrent display of a number of individual maps, each composed of a number of map and data layers. The latitude and longitude of the cursor is displayed at all times when over a displayed map, and cursor types are selected to allow zooming and measuring. Output can be pre-viewed, and printed on any device supported by Windows. A system of “templates” are used to control display attributes of maps and data which should greatly simplify the production of maps which have many elements in common. A number of map projections are supported, allowing appropriate display of any part of the world, including the poles.

A built in scripting language allows you to create map animations and to link AGIS to other applications such as database queries. Scripting, combined with the ability to save map views in a number of raster formats also allows you to use AGIS to provide low cost vector-based map serving to your own web pages. To use the map serving capability, you web server needs to be running on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or XP.

Supported projections

Peters Cylindrical
Miller Cylindrical
Equidistant Cylindrical
Universal Polar Stereographic
Lambert Cylindrical
Supported map import/export formats

MapInfo .mif/.mid (import/export)
Arc export .e00 (import)
Arc generate .gen/.att/.nam (import)
South African National Exchange Standard .nes (import)
Garmin GPS .trk/.wpt/.rte (import)
Map files are stored efficiently as binary files after conversion from a simple text import format. On importing a map, the projection type, projection origin, minimum resolution and map boundaries can be specified by the user.

This version of AGIS was developed using Borland C++ ObjectWindows.


Maximum number of lines or polygons in a map file [unlimited]
Maximum number of data points in a data file [unlimited]
Largest single map polygon or line [40,000 points]
Maximum number of map layers in a single map display [20]
Maximum number of data layers in a single map display [20]
Maximum number of feature types in a map file [100]
Maximum map scale [300,000,000:1]
Minimum map scale [100:1]
Maximum number of different data symbols in a layer [50]
Maximum number of available data symbols [50*]
Maximum number of vertices in a symbol polygon [100]
The number of lines or polygons in a map file, or the number of data values in a data file are essentially limited by disk space. Practically, however, processing time for extremely large map or data files would be an important consideration.

*Users can edit the agis.sym file and design and add their own symbols.

About AGIS Software

AGIS Software Pty Ltd (ACN 102 685 450) is a Company registered in the state of Tasmania, Australia, and located in the Huon Valley, south of Hobart. AGIS for Windows has been in development for a number of years, and was first released as shareware in June 1997.